Farmers Markets Frederick: 15 Must-Visit Spots for Fresh Local Finds

Last updated on March 10th, 2025

Have you ever tasted a juicy peach from a local farm stand and thought, this might be the best peach ever? That’s exactly how I felt doing field research for this list of the best farmers markets Frederick has to offer. 

As a longtime Frederick resident, I’ve visited just about every farmers market in Frederick, MD – and you’re in for a treat! With 18 farmers markets in Frederick County, there’s at least one happening almost every day. 

So grab your favorite tote and comfy shoes, because we’re about to explore the freshest produce, artisanal goodies, and welcoming community vibes at Frederick’s local markets!

What Can You Buy at Farmers Markets?

These days the question should be: what can’t you buy at farmers markets? There is SO much to offer at farmer’s markets in Frederick, this is just a sample of what you’ll find:

Seasonal fruits, organic produce, farm-fresh veggies, local meats, fresh flowers, baked goods (including gluten-free), artisan cheese, handmade crafts, local honey, maple syrup, homemade soaps, plants, and even crab soup! 

With so much to see, visiting your local farmers market in Frederick is a must during the summer months! Just remember to bring your favorite reusable shoulder bag (so much easier than a hand-held tote!).

Farmers Markets in Frederick County Maryland

But, before you scroll down to see the list, you can get your one-page list right here:


Why is Local Better?

  • Local, healthy food is fresher than what you’ll find at the grocery store.  It goes from local farms to you, so it loses fewer nutrients and less is spoiled.
  • Less fuel is used and fewer greenhouse gases are emitted because local food travels a shorter distance to you.
  • Less local food is wasted in distribution, warehousing and merchandising.
  • Buying local agriculture makes our local economy stronger. When you spend your food dollars locally, you are creating local jobs by supporting family farms (many of whom practice sustainable agriculture), local food processing and local distribution systems.
  • Shopping for local foods creates communities by connecting people with their farmers who bring them healthy local foods. A farmers’ market is a great place to meet and connect with friends as well as farmers!
  • Shop local. Eat clean. Be healthy. Find the farmers’ markets nearest you.

Farmers Markets in Frederick MD

Without further ado, here is my list of the best farmers markets in Frederick, Maryland. Some are small neighborhood markets, while others are bustling weekly events. 

Many of them take place on Saturday and Sunday mornings, but several take place all week long as well.

1. Brunswick Main Street Farmer’s Market

Brunswick Main Street Farmer’s Market is on the 2nd and last Fridays of every month.

  • 4pm to 7pm
  • April 26 through October 25
  • East Potomac Street at 1st Avenue
  • Martin’s Creek Parking Lot
  • Brunswick, MD 21716
  • Phone: 301-524-1035
  • Email: [email protected]

2. Downtown Thursday Market

From 4pm to 7pm, you can visit Downtown Thursday Market right in the center of town!

  • May 2 to October 31
  • 331 N. Market Street
  • Old Carmack Jays Parking Lot
  • Frederick MD 21701
  • Email: [email protected]

3. Emmitsburg Farmers Market

Emmitsburg Farmer's Market

On Fridays visit Emmitsburg Farmers Market.

  • 2pm to 8pm
  • June 23 through October 6
  • 302 S. Seton Ave.
  • Emmitsburg, MD 21727
  • Phone: (301) 600-6303

4. FSK Mall Farmers Market

Every Saturday, FSK Mall Farmers Market runs from 10am to 2pm.

  • May to November
  • FSK Mall
  • Macy’s Parking Lot facing Spectrum Dr.
  • 5500 Buckeystown Pike
  • Frederick, MD 21703
  • Email: [email protected] 
  • Phone: 301-695-5321

5. Field Fresh Farmers Market

Field Fresh Farmers Market runs on Saturdays.

  • 9am to 1pm
  • April to November
  • The Great Frederick Fairgrounds, Lot A
  • 797 E. Patrick St.
  • Frederick, MD 21701
  • Facebook Page
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (301) 676-1236

6. Frederick City Market

On Sunday, it’s time for Frederick City Market from 9 am to 1 pm.

7. Frederick Farmers Market

From 10 am to 1 pm, visit Frederick Farmers Market on

8. Jefferson Farmers Market

Jefferson Farmer's Market

Outside of the weekend, Jefferson Farmers Market runs on Wednesdays from 4 pm to 7 pm.

  • May 22 to August 31
  • Jefferson Ruritan Pavilion
  • 4603 Lander Rd
  • Jefferson, MD 21755
  • Email: [email protected]

9. Lake Linganore Farmers and Artisans Market

Another Frederick weekday event is Lake Linganore Farmers and Artisans Market.

  • Thursdays: 4pm to 7pm
  • June 6 to August 1
  • Coldstream Common Area
  • 6718 Coldstream Dr.
  • New Market, MD 21774
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (301) 831-6400

10. Middletown Farmers’ Market

Middletown Farmer's Market

You can go to Middletown Farmers’ Market on Thursdays from 4pm to 7pm.

  • May to Mid-October
  • Middletown Christ Reformed UCC Parking Lot
  • 12 S. Church St
  • Middletown, MD 21769
  • Facebook Page
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (301) 524-1035

11. Myersville Farmers’ Market

On Saturday, Myersville Farmers’ Market runs from 9 am to 12pm.

*Myersville Indoor Market is held November thru March on the first and third Saturdays, 8:30am-11:30am.

12. Thurmont Main Street Farmers Market

Thurmont Main Street Farmers Market is also on Saturday, 9am to 12pm.

13. Urbana Library Farmers’ Market

For another Frederick farmers market on a Sunday, try Urbana Library Farmers’ Market from 10 am to 1pm.

14. Walkersville Community Farmers Market

Walkersville Community Farmers Market on Saturday from 9 am to 1 pm.

  • May to September
  • Walkersville Public Library
  • 2 S. Glade Rd
  • Walkersville, MD 21793
  • Phone: (301) 600-8200

15. YMCA of Frederick County Farmers’ Market

Another weekday event YMCA of Frederick County Farmers’ Market on Tuesdays from 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm.

  • May 21 to October 29
  • YMCA of Frederick County
  • 1000 N Market St
  • Frederick, MD 21701
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (301) 663-5131

Special Mention: Jefferson Corn Stand

Jefferson Corn Stand

By the definition of farmers’ market, Jefferson Corn Stand fits more in the category of farm stand vs. farmer’s market.

In other words, they don’t currently use their location as a shared space to host other vendors or food trucks.

However, we wanted to mention them because our readers really love them!

  • Monday – Fridays: 9:30am to 5:30pm
  • Saturdays & Sundays: 9:30am to 3:30pm
  • 3803 Jefferson Pike
  • Jefferson, Md 21755
  • 240-409-3439

Remember to snag your printable list (scroll up) so you can keep it handy as a reminder to take advantage of these wonderful farmers’ markets!

Farmers Markets in Frederick County Maryland
My friend Mae and I decided to check out a couple farmers’ markets for ourselves to see what the hype was all about!

My Visit to Farmers Markets

I had the recent pleasure of visiting a local Frederick Farmers Market. Having only been to farmers markets a handful of times in my life, I was happy to go check it out.

I’m not sure why I don’t frequent these markets more often! They’re the perfect place to find everything you need as well as a great way to support your local farmers.

However, that’s going to change for me going forward.

Pulling into the parking lot, there was a sea of pop-up pavilions and an abundance of vendors. Fredericktonians were bustling all around, carrying their purchases.

There was even a lady walking around giving out thermal, reusable shopping bags. This was SO helpful since I had forgotten to bring mine.

The vendors were extremely friendly and forthcoming with information about their goods, as well as information about other farmers markets in Frederick.

And best of all, there were plenty of sample to try!

Farmers Markets in Frederick County Maryland

Middletown Farmers Market

Second, here is Mae’s Farmers’ Market Experience:

Hello, all!

Undoubtedly, I am a fan of the Middletown Farmers Market right here in Frederick County.

The quality of the produce and the variety of the items offered were impressive!

From apples to zucchini, the vendors seem to cover it all!

Cash is the preferred method of payment, though many booths are also equipped with the technology to process credit card payments.

In most cases, shopping bags are provided, but based on my observation of the regulars – ‘BYOB’ (bring your own bag) is the way to go!

So, let’s get out there and support our local farmers!

Farmers Markets in Frederick County Maryland

Indeed, the food is fresh, and it’s good for the neighborhood!

Local Tomatoes

Last Thoughts on The Best Farmers Markets Frederick Has Available

Lastly, when you go to a farmers market, don’t be shy to ask questions. shares a list of potential questions that every consumer should feel free to inquire about!

Which farmers market is your favorite?

Tell us in the comments!

Farmers Markets in Frederick County Maryland

Finally, here’s a free Buy Local Cookout Recipes Cookbook, loaded with great clean-eating tips and recipes!

For recipes you can make from your farmers market goodies, click on over to:

6 thoughts on “Farmers Markets Frederick: 15 Must-Visit Spots for Fresh Local Finds”

  1. Your beautiful pictures made me hungry! I go to a farmer’s market not far from dad’s office. They have the best fresh strawberry/rhubarb pie!

  2. Crab soup!?!? I love the local farmer’s market– a great way to try something new (and buy just enough to try) or stock up on something seasonal for that week’s menus.

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